Wow! I keep forgetting about this thing! Oops.
a. the bridges
4. My little sister
Ok, that was too easy. I could go on for quite a while if it wasn't so dang hard to insert the pictures in the right spots!!! Happy Friday!
I catch myself saying, "You know what I like?" too often. So I figured I'd challenge myself to make a list of fifty things I like/fifty things that make me happy. Here goes:
1. Taking pictures. Here's one of my current favorites.
2. Friendly conversation with strangers--whether it be in the checkout line at Fred Meyer, while waiting for the crosswalk light to change, or just saying "thank you" or "have a wonderful day" when someone opens the door for me.
3. Portland.
a. the bridges
b. the beer and wine
c. the restaurants and food.
(Chocolate Soufle at Veritable Quandary)
d. the people
e. Powell's
f. I'll spare you the rest... it goes on for a while.
4. My little sister
5. My big sister
6. My nephew
7. My crazy co-workers

8. Cupcakes (eating and baking them)
9. Painting pottery
10. Baking
11. Eating vegetables and giant salads
12. My parents (well, my whole family too)
13. My beautiful friends
14. My ridiculously funny students
15. All the smells that remind me of Chile
16. eating pickles as an after-school snack
17. Chai tea
18. Autumn and all the beautiful trees
19. Veggie Tales
20. Stickers (especially on my Nalgene)
21. My Nalgene and how it daily saves me from dehydration
22. Playing with my food.
23. Leadership Camp
24. Wonderwall
25. Dave Matthews
Ok, that was too easy. I could go on for quite a while if it wasn't so dang hard to insert the pictures in the right spots!!! Happy Friday!