Sunday, March 21, 2010

Home sweet Home-ish

Welp, I miss Portland.

I drove down yesterday to spend just over 24 hours with the fam. Got back a few hours ago, and I'm already ready to turn around and return to Rose City.


1. Last night when we got home from the Previs' (another highlight), Sam was crawling into bed asking whose turn it was to sing him to sleep. No one knew, so I said, "it must be mine then." He said okay!!! :) So I got to sing him to sleep--a privilege that not just anyone gets. This, alone, makes me want to move back tomorrow.

2. The backyard is incredible--sunshine, grass, football, Frisbee, two silly cousins to play with, a beautiful garden, sun-warmed raspberries (well not yet... but coming soon.), a giddy dog, and San and Mike. The majority of Saturday afternoon was spent sitting in the sunshine in the backyard or throwing the football or Frisbee back and forth. It was just what my soul needed--a little Portland rejuvenation.
3. Spent the evening with the Previs family. Apparently this is the first time since Chris died that the DPs have spent just alone family time with them... it was comforting. They told stories, pulled out old photo albums, planned projects, played ladder ball (or "well-hung" as Eddie calls it hahaha), and ate delish pizza. :) I can't believe that it has been about five years since they lost their mom/wife. They are such strong human beings, it moves me to tears right now.

4. Spending four hours at church this morning with some of the most amazing human beings in the world. Granted, I'm standing up for the better part of the morning--slightly painful, but worth it--but I'm in the middle of one of the most beautiful things that could possibly happen on a Sunday morning. There are about a hundred people (give or take) worshipping the Lord through liturgy--Greek song, prayer, and scripture--then fellowshipping and teaching for the next hour or so. It's very peaceful and, again, rejuvenating.

5. Powell's--the smell of a bazillion books, the sound of a thousand book lovers perusing the aisles, the feel of a worn-in paperback in my hand, the taste of delicious Portland coffee, and the sight of pure happiness in the eyes of a child who has just chosen a Dr. Seuss book from the thousands on the shelves dedicated to him-- is always heavenly.

I can't believe I don't live there... Wishing I were back in Portland right now (and not because I don't want to go to work tomorrow) or rather that I could be in two places at once. I'm pretty sure that half my heart has been torn out and stored safely in SW Portland--somewhere along SW 8th Drive. It's only when I return there that it feels whole. But... when I was living there, I felt the same way about here. I guess I belong in both places--is that possible?

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