I've got the trave bug a bit right now. Let's see, I've been to Canada, all over Australia, Chile, and many of the 50 states (this pic is from the car window in Maui). But I'm itching to go to Greece, Spain, and the rest of the Mediterranean. So there's that...
Then I start thinking about all the friends and family I'd love to go visit all around the States and across the world. Ash is in Korea; Al and Shep are in Australia; Mel and Brian are in Texas--about to move to Germany; Jenn and Garrett are in DC; Katy is in Virginia; all sorts of people are in Chile; then there's everyone in Portland; the list goes on... Today was a pretty good day at school and volleyball practice, but most days I'd rather be anywhere else than Tacoma. I better start saving up again. No more shoes=More trips to see people.
Then, speaking of friends... I cherish them. I need more hours in a day to spend with family and friends. Mom and Dad came over yesterday after church and lunch (both of which, all seven of us got to spend together; that always makes me happy) to help me put together my futon. I love a Sunday spent with family. Dad and I were 8 washers short though in putting it together, so after they left I had to go to Home Depot and buy more--along with a socket wrench set. So I got into the car and got all worked up: I hate going to hardware stores by myself. My inner feminist arouses from her slumber every time I walk into one. "No, old man, I do not need your help; and please don't call me darling. I can find whatever I'm looking for on my own." Then the realist in my fights back because she knows it could take 45 minutes to find it by myself. So instead I say, "Yes, sir. Thank you kindly for your help," and walk out of there in under 10 minutes. Ugh.
That gets me to thinking about all the little pieces of my character and personality. Some of them conflict, while others work pretty well together. I'm sure the feminist part of me was pissed that I accepted help from three different people with a sweet smile, whilst playing dumb. But the realist was glad to be out of there quickly and on my way home to finish the futon. On the other hand, the competitive piece of me (which is quite aggressive and likes to take over when uninvited) doesn't get along so well with the part of me that likes to be a team player when others take the lead.
Changing the subject completely... I was kinda missing my hair today. I'd like to be able to get it into a ponytail for practice. Speaking of... Olivia and I played with our girls tonight and it was fun. My knee is still killing me; I can't all-out run yet. So that sucks, but it was fun to play none-the-less. I knocked my knee a couple of times going after a ball... feels good. :)
Must be time to grow it out again! A few of my students tell me about once a week that they wish I still had long hair. I think they're trying to compliment me/tell me how pretty my hair is long... but it comes out the wrong way--like, "Wow, your hair looks weird short. You should grow it out again." Thanks a lot, jerks. :) They do that often. I feel like I'm teaching a class on manners and tact more than English, reading, and writing. Oh well. I'm not really there to make sure they know a lot about Shakespeare anyway. I'm just trying to make them better people one day, one lesson, one thought at a time. It's not really working... yet. Oh, freshman.
Ok, bedtime. I get to proctor the HSPE tomorrow... yipee!!!!
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